Safe Cosmetic Surgery!!

If you're considering a cosmetic procedure make sure you have all the facts and feel 100% comfortable about your decision before you sign or part with any money! Check out this cosmetic surgery guide to make sure you stay safe and well informed.

1.    Make your own decisions:
The real expert on your appearance and any concerns you may have is you. The only assistance you should need is to decide what, if any, surgery you might need, and you should ensure you get unbiased information regarding what might be technically possible and any associated risks and benefits. Do not let surgeon, nurse or other person talk you into doing anything for which you had little concern before the consultation. 

2.    Be informed:
Anyone considering any cosmetic procedure should ensure they are fully informed and accept the limitations and risks of any procedure.  The key things to remember are:
  • No surgeon or procedure is 100 per cent risk free.

Kitchen Ideas

Cream country kitchen

This open-plan space has been decorated with light cream tones to detract from the low ceiling height.The pine farmhouse table and chairs add classic country-style. 

Strong & Healthy Nails??

Why is it so hard to grow and maintain gorgeous nails? One big reason: Nails aren't alive; they're dead (if they were living tissue, they could repair themselves instead of making us do it for them). If nails aren't alive, then how do they grow? Actually, they don't; new cells develop deep under your cuticles and push out the older, dead ones — forming those flat, hard surfaces we love to pamper and polish. Here's how to have yours looking great in no time.

Dos & Don'ts
Resist the urge to let anyone — even a relative — use your emery board. This tool is a porous germ-trapper. Keep yours to yourself, and replace it often.

Are you cramming your feet into too-small or too-pointy shoes? If so, your toenails may grow into the surrounding skin — causing the dreaded ingrown nail, which can lead to pain, swelling, and infection. When nails are too long, tight shoes can cause even more damage. If your toes hit the front of your shoe, nails can crack or turn black-and-blue. Or nails may lift, which can lead to infection.

Nails need to be hydrated, since most problems crop up when they're parched. Dry nails can crack, peel, and become brittle. Plus, dehydrated cuticles not only look ragged but also can turn into painful and infected hangnails. The best moisturizers are thick —

More Fun & Less Fighting

I walked in the door the other day and promptly tripped over my son's backpack, sending a bag of groceries, car keys, and mail flying across the front hall.
Mom     : "AJ!" I shouted up the stairs. "You need to move your stuff. Now!"

He emerged from his room and appeared at the top of the staircase, looking baffled.
Son        : "What stuff?" he asked.
Mom     : "This!" I shouted, pointing to his backpack, shoes, and laptop  computer, all dumped in a pile. "I tell you the same thing every day!"

Since the usual responses (yelling, nagging, and making empty threats) often exacerbate the problem, swap them for these clever — and surprising — tactics that will restore the peace in your home.

How to Get Fast Cash??

Either way, you have to learn the ropes so you won't sell yourself short:

1. A pawnshop shouldn't be your first stop
Though it dangles the promise of cash in exchange for gold, watches, musical instruments, and more, going to a pawnshop should be a last resort, for when your credit cards are tapped out and you can't get a family loan — say,