How to Whiten Your Teeth (Without Spend Much Money)

There's no two ways around it: yellow teeth just aren't cute. Check out these quick and surprising tips and you'll be blinding people with your sexy smile:

1.Dust on Bronzer
Lightly dusting some bronzer all over your face gives you a natural-looking glow that makes the whites of your teeth instantly pop.
Sonia Kashuk Bare Minimum Pressed Powder Bronzer

2.Brush and Floss
Sure, this combo makes your mouth healthy—always a good thing—but it also prevents plaque from building up. And plaque, over time, can cause discoloration. 

3.Wait Before Brushing
Drinking something acidic, like grapefruit juice? Wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth, since you can actually brush the acidity deeper

into your teeth. That can erode the enamel, the outside coating that protects your teeth, and make your smile look less white.

4.Wear a Red Lip
Swiping on a blue-based red lipstick also makes your teeth appear whiter than they really are, since the color contrast (red against white) is so severe.
Revlon Matte Lipstick in Really Red

5.Chew Crunchy Fruits and Veggies
Snacking on crunchy fruits and vegetables, like peppers or apples, also helps keep your teeth looking white. How? The friction caused by chewing these harder foods gently scrapes away any plaque, which leads to staining.

6.Use a Straw
Drinking, soda, wine, or any colored liquid through a straw helps keep it at bay. (You might want to stick to the wine/straw combo at home, though, to avoid weird looks at the bar.)
You'll also want to rinse your mouth out with water after sipping your drink so that your saliva doesn't stay tinged and stain your teeth more.

Whiten Your Teeth
If you want whiter teeth you have to whiten them—obviously, right? But sometimes we just can't find the time. These strips only take five minutes a day to work and won't cause tooth sensitivity. The result? Brighter pearly whites before you know it.
Schedule Regular Check-Ups
Okay, so you already know that it's important to go to the dentist every six months for a check-up. But getting your teeth cleaned helps remove plaque, which causes that tell-tale yellow tinge over time, that you can't physically brush off at home.


  1. Nice info..
    so i can keep my money 4 others..

    1. nice to share w/ others..
      hopefully can be useful..
