1. You will be the second person to know that you’re having
a baby. If she has a BFF, possibly the third. If you’re not really a couple,
possibly the fourth.
2. A dad is born nine months before a baby is born. The job
starts when the pregnancy test displays a plus sign.
3. Cream cheese and cottage cheese are okay for pregnant
women. Brie and feta are not.
4. A guy smarter than you just told your pregnant wife she
looks beautiful. For the second time. Don’t get complacent.
5. Ask your doctor about circumcision before making a
6. Learn how to make a good mocktail.
7. Handle the litter box. Kitty litter is toxic to pregnant
8. Keep the gas tank at least half full during the last week
of pregnancy.
9. Find a good take-out restaurant near the hospital.
10. Be grateful that your baby is the 19 billionth child to
be born in human history. Because I assure you, number 3,605,000 didn’t go as
11. Take more days that you’re given for paternity leave.
Your company won’t fight it. It’s bad PR for them.
12. Buy a newspaper the day he’s born.
13. Cutting the umbilical cord: Meh.
14. Wash your hands.
15. The “dad bed” in the hospital room is more comfortable
than you’d think.
16. Take every blanket, pacifier and formula packet they
give you at the hospital. You paid for it.
17. Your baby’s first poop will resemble crude oil. Don’t
freak out.
18. Imagine being hired as a pilot with no training. “Here’s
the cockpit. Good luck getting to Houston.” That’s what it’s like coming home
with a newborn. And it’s like that for everyone.
19. The OB-GYN and pediatrician know as much about raising a
great kid as you do. Don’t doubt yourself.
20. Stir, don’t shake, the bottle when mixing formula.
21. For poop stains, sunlight acts like Shout spray.
22. Newborns don’t blink. Don’t freak out.
23. Her family will say she looks like one of their
relatives. Your family will say she looks like one of your relatives. Get used
to it.
24. Don’t attempt sex until four to six weeks after delivery
25. Meat tenderizer works on breast milk stains.
26. When you’re sponge-bathing the baby, don’t forget the
27. A diaper bag is a bag with diapers in it. You don’t need
to buy something new.
28. If you own a backpack, you own a diaper bag.
29. Cargo shorts are a diaper bag you can wear.
30. Go big on Mother’s Day. Every year.
31. When the sex starts up again, use lube.
32. Aromatic candles and chewing gum will keep you awake at
33. Have your partner leave you a voicemail of the baby
screaming. Save it. Play it for friends or co-workers when in need of a good
34. Your kid’s hiccups bother you more than it does them.
35. If your baby is formula-fed, that means you take a night
shift too.
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